I arrived and it was dark,
everything was shrouded in lifeless shadows and
the windows were closed; It was
as if no one had ever lived here, and
and when I wasn’t here, nobody lived here either,
but this time they weren’t prepared,
they hadn’t opened the windows, the
curtains hadn’t been drawn back, the
cake hadn’t been baked, the letters
hadn’t been taken out of the letterbox, they hadn’t been
back from nowhere in time
to set my stage for me.
What was missing was that which was not part of my life,
where we took different turns at the crossroads.
I was now confronted with this silent sight,
and walked down the steps to the garden. I
unhooked a window and slipped into the room, I
had to carry the reminder for the first time,
and I quickly put it in my pocket,
to take a good look at it in another place.
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